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Performance day

Performance day

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Workshop
  • Duration: Entire day
  • Available to all groups of children and adolescents

Divided into small groups, the pupils spend a day in pre-selected artistic and/or creative workshops with one objective: to present the most successful performance possible to the whole group. This performance day is particularly suitable for intercultural projects. The various activities are designed to help participants overcome language barriers through motivation and to pursue a common goal by naturally having a good time together. The artistic activities promote non-verbal communication and group cohesion.
Activities include: stop-motion (animated film), theatre, hip-hop dance, video, capoeira, stone-cutting, land art, gazette or blog writing (subject to availability of external speakers).
Workshops in groups of 8 to 15 participants depending on the discipline.

Important: the workshops need to be reserved with at least a six week before the start of the stay in order to ensure the availability of the facilitators.

