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Ex Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp

Ex Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Excursion
  • Duration: Journey: 1 hour 30 minutes, visit: 3 hours
  • From 16 years of age

The guided tour of this place of remembrance allows us to deepen the educational work undertaken at the ICAS by looking at the other side of the coin through the history of those who perished for having opposed Nazism.
The only concentration camp built on French territory during the German occupation, it was used more particularly for the deportation of opponents of Nazism and prisoners of common law.
A visit to the adjoining European Centre of Deported Resistance Members is a good introduction to the site of the former camp.
Educational materials available online on the CERD website allow groups to visit the site independently (with good preparation beforehand by the teachers). However, we strongly recommend a guided tour, especially for Franco-German groups. This can be booked by informing us at the ICAS.
In addition, this visit can be prepared at the ICAS thanks to a writing workshop based on collections of letters from resistance fighters collected by Italian historians throughout Europe in the aftermath of the war (this will help prepare students to learn to decipher historical archives).

