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Verdun and the First World War

Verdun and the First World War

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Excursion
  • Duration: Journey: ~3 hours, visit: whole day excursion from 7am to 8pm
  • from year 9 (ages 13-14) upwards

Nothing predestined Verdun, a small town of 18,000 inhabitants located in the Meuse department, to become famous throughout the world. Yet it was here that the most emblematic battle of the First World War was fought from 21 February to 19 December 1916. The area around the town is a reflection of a scarred France, irrevocably marked in its flesh and landscape by the first war in the industrialised world. Indeed, in 10 months, the land of Verdun had seen 700,000 men fall, without any of the belligerents being able to gain a decisive advantage for the continuation of the conflict. Since then, "Verdun" has held a special place in national and European memories. This raises the question of the political use of the issue of memory by the various Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities and by the States.
The visit to the various sites around Verdun can be done independently or accompanied by a bilingual guide who will draw up a tailor-made programme in consultation with the group leaders.

