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Citizen action for the rights of man

Citizen action for the rights of man

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Workshop
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Available to those above the age of 14

After an introduction presenting the main elements to know about the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we will present Amnesty International and its different modes of action. We will focus on one of them in particular: Urgent Actions, which enable us to alert public opinion through a network of 80,000 members in more than 80 countries to the failure of certain countries to respect human rights. When Amnesty International is alerted to a person's fate, it triggers Urgent Action: thousands of messages arrive at the authorities responsible. These leaders are then subject to what is called public pressure because they know that many people around the world are keeping track of their actions and decisions.
As part of this module, we will suggest that students take action for human rights by participating in the Urgent Actions on the Amnesty International website. Each student will be able to write a letter of support for a person whose fundamental rights are threatened, and then a delegation of students will go to Niederbronn to post the messages.
The aim is to introduce the students to the possibilities of concrete action and to give them the opportunity to become personally involved.

