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Alsace-Moselle memorial in Schirmeck

Alsace-Moselle memorial in Schirmeck

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Excursion
  • Duration: Journey: 1 hour 30 minutes, visit: 2 hours
  • For school groups from the age of 14

The Alsace-Moselle Memorial is located not far from the former Struthof concentration camp. During the Second World War, a "re-education and security" camp was located in Schirmeck, where Alsatians-Mosellans who were resistant to the Nazi regime were interned. The exhibition retraces the poignant history of Alsace-Moselle between 1870 and 1945 in a modern and dynamic setting.
A guided tour can be booked in advance. The discovery can also be done independently with the help of an application. Additional educational modules are available upon reservation.
The module "Alsace, a textbook case of a plural identity" is a good preparation for this outing.

